Think Packaging®'s profile

Tasti - Workplace honesty box.

Tasti had a great idea for getting their snack bars into the workplace - the Kiwi honesty box.
Inspired by the fruit & veg stalls found along New Zealand roads, I went about creating concepts for an stand that covers you for your "at work munchies" 
At first, some reference images were submitted for the directional nod, then straight into the build - awesome.
Submitted: x2 hand built concepts, B Flute corrugated and some quick 3D renders to nail the idea/vision down.
Tasti - Workplace honesty box.

Tasti - Workplace honesty box.

Tasti had a great idea for getting their snack bars into the workplace - the Kiwi honesty box. Inspired by the fruit & veg stalls found along Ne Read More
