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National Day of Unplugging Billboard

Billboard Poster for promoting National Day of Unplugging ( Feb,2020)
In this task , we are asked to create a billboard poster to promote the National Day of Unplugging using only an image to Millennials. In order to have a deeper understanding about my target audience, I have done a research on both sides of using digital devices and conducted a survey to Millennials which aim to know their feelings about "unplugging" and benefits/risks they care about. 
Audience research 
why not spend the night with your love ( left : final resolution ; right : first draft )

Millennials are the stage of starting a family and having children. Refer to the statistics done by STATISTA, the average age of women in the UK having their first child is 28.8 years old. Yet, research also states that 35% of couples think their sex life has been impacted because of bedtime phone use, meanwhile, 1/3 of them have discussed the need to reduce phone use in the bedroom. It is a fact that “bedtime phone use” has influenced the love life of nowadays’ couples. Since “Connection” and “ Love” are vital elements in our lives, I create this billboard to encourage people to put away their phones during the night and enjoy themselves with their beloved ones, by contrasting the connection between the line with cable and sperm with egg. Have a living connection is always better than a dead one.

For the refined solution, a few corrections have been done. More details are added for the egg by creating its outlook also I have replaced the cable to phone to strengthen the message of unplugging and in line with my concept more. Besides, I have changed the connection between the sperm and egg to plug line and egg, and added block logo around the sperm to highlight the term “connection”.
Texting could damage your spine 

There are 2 versions based on this design : use phone wire / earphone to outline the shape of body parts . At first I have chosen the right one as my final design , yet I have received opinions saying that it may be too literal , therefore my second idea is developed. I used blue and red to make a contrast of a straight and curved spine, to present the idea of  " texting could damage your spine" . In addition , I refined the symbol on a charging wire to create a person who is heading down to use his smart phone.  
Chop Chop ! your food is ready 
It is common to see people take pictures of their food and share them to different social media . 
Look around you 

When we are focusing on our phone , the area except the phone will be blurred . I utilise this phenomenon to create this billboard , to remind people to pay more attention on things around them and don't miss the stuff again. 

Reflection : consider the everyday experience 
National Day of Unplugging Billboard


National Day of Unplugging Billboard
