Due to the Covid-19, a lot of the countries around the world are now under lock down and Malaysia is no exception. During this lock down, also known as the Movement Control Order, people are advised to avoid attending a mass gathering including religious related one, and also to stay inside their house in order to keep the virus from spreading more than it already has right now. The MCO was supposed to last for 2 weeks, which was on the 1st of April, 2020, but due to the seriousness of the virus, it has been expanded until the 28th of April.

The purpose of this project is to document a part of what life is like during the MCO lock down. Some people may think it is an unfortunate event to be staying in the house all the time, and some may think differently. So for this project, it will show what it is like to be living under the MCO lock down, from my perspective.


Turned my room into my workplace during the MCO for my Degree's final semester. During the final semester, we have to do our assignments and our Final Year Project at home on our own. If there were anything regarding our work, the only way for us to consult with our lecturers was either through E-mails or any Social Medias that they use.



In order to prevent the COVID-19 spreading more than it already had, my campus decided that everyone should not attend the class physically but virtually instead. Our classes are going on as usually but this time we're attending the class via Discord.



The virus is not the only thing that we have to worry about during this time period but the hot weather too. I have been drinking iced cold water most of the time everyday due to the hot temperature in my room to keep myself cool from the heat around me.



Ever since last year, I bought myself a journal and have started to journal every single day to record down what I did for the day, and I still do, despite the MCO lock down.



YouTube has been a necessity for me during this period of time. Not only has it kept me entertained, there are also a lot of tutorials about photo editing and photography skills for me to learn from.



When I first bought a Nintendo Switch, I didn’t really have the time to play it due to the assignments and the less amount of time I spent inside the house. Now that I’m staying indoors most of the time, I have some free time to play it more often.



Due to hours of working on my assignments and projects on my final semester, I would feel tired halfway most of the time, in order to keep myself going and quickly finish my work, I'd go to the convenient store near my house and buy loads of snacks at once for myself to eat while working.



During my free time, I have been downloading and watching movies that I’ve downloaded online. Most of the movies that I’ve downloaded are the ones that I didn’t get to watch in the cinema last time.



The only thing that attracts my attention outside of my room’s window is the sunset. Everyday during the evening around 6- 7pm, the sun will set exactly outside of my window the moment I lift my head up from the computer screen.

Follow me on Instagram: @ihznehs


A series of photographs to document what life is like for me during COVID-19 Lockdown
