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Personal Data Visualization on Sleep

Data can be self reflective. Data is a fantastic way for a pattern oriented mind to focus on something greater that the senses can usually process. Data over time is particularly good at this. Sleep takes place over a long period of time, and is difficult to really evaluate from a short period of time. Over the span of around a month, however, patterns can begin to appear. I wanted to see what my sleep looked like on a broad scale. 
For this project, I tracked both my sleep and the time that I spent in front of a screen. Sleep was tracked on a FitBit, and screen time was done natively in iOS 13, with chrome tab history, and application runtime. This project was intended to show pattern and relation between these two elements in my sleep schedule. 

Aesthetically, I wanted to have clear separation between awake and asleep. Color seemed like the most meaningful way to do this, opting for warm for awake elements and cool for sleeping elements. The merger of this rule comes from the description of sleep stages, in which deep sleep (dark blue), light sleep (medium blue), and REM (light blue) are contrasted by a strong orange representing awake time. Overall the chart is focused on sleep, which influenced the dark background. The graph is meant to resemble a comet streaking across the sky.
Personal Data Visualization on Sleep


Personal Data Visualization on Sleep

Data can be self reflective. Data is a fantastic way for a pattern oriented mind to focus on something greater that the senses can usually proces Read More
