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Non Speculative Biology

The Creation of The Oxytocin/Vasopressin Superfamily.
 It’s currently being hung up in the cysteine chapel. The picture shows the shared feature of a disulphide bond between the first and sixth amino acids (cysteines) in members of the hormone superfamily in deuterostomes and protostomes. Here's a video on the oxytocin/vasopressin superfamily: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=51hGX...
What bone trabeculae may look like under UV light, due to hydroxyapatite (calcium phosphate).
Some sea potato skeletons I have fluoresced orange under a UV light. This may be due to their shells being made of high magnesium calcite. Echinoderm skeletons are made up of a 3D mesh of trabeculae called a stereom. Here’s what echinoderm trabeculae may look like under a black light.
Swimming in the White Sea.
 The hormone calcitonin reducing calcium levels in the blood by stopping osteoclasts breaking down bone and causing calcium and phosphorous to be urinated. I used some calcium powder knocking about for this one. Calcitonin is secreated by a separate gland to the thyroid in jawed vertebrates apart from mammals. This gland is called the ultimobranchial gland and is located in the throat. In mammals the ultimobranchial gland became the C cells of mammals thyroids glands which secrete calcitonin. The ultimobranchial gland can still be seen in human embryos where it is formed from the 4th pharyngeal pouch and is known as the ultimobranchial body. Jawless fish don’t have ultimobranchial glands.
The Halogen Gland. 
Picture showing thyroid glands ability to concentrate bromine (orange) and astatine (black) as well as iodine (purple) and apparently chlorine (green).
Missing You With All My Lymph Hearts.
 I'm giving this to my Grandma lol. Some vertebrates have organs that pump lymph fluid around. These organs are called lymph hearts. More information in this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ol8-R...
7 Membered Rings.
Fire Salamanders secrete toxic compounds belonging to the samandarine class.These compounds are steroids. Instead of the A-ring being made up of 6 members, samandarines have a nitrogen in their A-ring giving them a 7 membered A-ring. Fire salamanders secreat samandarines from their paranoid glands which are behind their eyes. Different Salamandarine A rings are shown in the rocks in the picture.
Vitamin C Synthesising Bacteria in Reptile Kidneys.
Unlike humans, reptiles can generally synthesise vitamin C (ascorbic acid). Reptiles generally have bacteria in their kidneys that synthesise vitamin C. I used an orange juice coat to give the picture some vitamin C.                                                               .  .  .                                                                                                  The Apoikazoan Nature of Mental Illness.                                       The reptileness of the face, (the vertical pupils, forked tongue, osteoderms and antorbital and mandibular fenestrae) represent blunt affect due to reptiles having less of a limbic system than mammals and less dopamine in the mesocortical pathway during psychosis. The mesocortical pathway runs through the limbic system. Glutamate can cause anxiety and GABA relaxes you, so, the glutamate being drawn bigger than the GABA represents an imbalance of the two. Glutamate and GABA cause the larger opening in sponges, the osculum to open and close which shows the evolution that lead to anxiety. Choanoflagellates are animals closest living relatives and animals and choanoflagellates make up the clade Apoikozoa. Choanoflagellates and animals both have the enzyme glutamate decarboxylase which converts glutamate to GABA. The choanoflagellate in pieces shows the enzyme not functioning properly. The green blood is green due to the worm blood protein chlorocruorine which represents other invertebrates like worms having neurotransmitters in common with humans. Projections called microvilli are drawn in place of hair and eyebrows. Only animals and choanoflagellates have microvilli which relates the picture to the Apoikozoa theme. Osteoderms are bony deposits in reptiles as well as fish and some prehistoric amphibians. The osteoderms represent spots and so show body insecurities. The ‘micro’villi can also show body insecurities. Cyanophoromas are tumours of blue pigment cells. So the cyanophoroma represents a tumor of sadness and depression. The pigment in cyanophores, the pigment cells that make up cyanophoromas is unknown. This represents a person not knowing what’s wrong or what’s causing the depression or why they can’t be happy. Lymph hearts are organs in some vertebrates that pump lymph fluid around the body. Lymph fluid is cleaned before it re-enters the blood. Broken lymph hearts therefore also represents a lack of hygiene.                                                      .                                                                                                       I added a tracing paper cover over the drawing. Some amphipods which are crustaceans are parasites of salps. Salps are tunicates and tunicates are vertebrates closest living relatives. The person being trapped in a salp shows the person feels trapped by their family being around them all the time during lockdown. The fact that the person is in place of a parasitic amphipod shows that the person feels like a burden or parasite on their family, draining their hosts.                                                                                  .  .  .                                                                                                   The Squamate Brain.                                                         .  .      . .                                                              Mammals process visual information mainly with a part of the brain called the occipital lobe. Reptiles and birds however  mainly process visual information with a part of the brain called the visual tectum. Geckos have 3 types of cone cells. These cones are most sensitive to either green light, blue light or ultra-violet light. Geckos can see red with their green cones. However because geckos don’t have a separate red cone and colour can be perceived by multiple cones’ overlapping images, geckos shouldn’t be able to distinguish red from colours like orange and yellow. Geckos blue cones can pick up light at the boundary between green and yellow light. Therefore yellow light is only picked up by geckos green cones where as green light is also picked up by geckos blue cones. Geckos therefore should be able to distinguish green from yellow. Brown colour to geckos may look like a mixture of yellow and green. Because geckos eyesight is so sensitive their optic tectum maybe much larger than the surrounding brain areas shown on the drawing.                                                                                                                                                         Reptiles have projections from part of their brains called olfactory tracts and olfactory bulbs. There are two of each. The olfactory bulbs are at the the end of the long and thin olfactory tracts. The olfactory bulb processes smell. Lizards and snakes use their tongues to smell. They deliver scent particles from their tongues to the Jacobson/ vomeronasal organ in the roof of their mouth. .  .  .                                                                                               Thanks for reading/ looking. I hope you enjoy/ enjoyed.
Non Speculative Biology

Non Speculative Biology


Creative Fields