Cassie Huck's profile

The Wilder Coast Magazine - First Concept

The Wilder Coast Magazine
People Against Landlocked Lives
The Wilder Coast Magazine Project was one assigned during my junior year in college at the Massachusetts College of Art & Design. The assignment was to create a either a food magazine, technology magazine or travel magazine and design 2 feature articles, a department article and one information architecture piece. I chose a travel magazine because travel is a passion and thus I had many of my own photos to work with. It also helps that my husband is a professional photographer, I had exquisite photos to work with. The specific focus I put in my travel magazine was on extreme sports and outdoor activities. Whitewater kayaking, backpacking, skiing, climbing and ultimate frisbee being my absolute favorite things to do, I decided to infuse the design project with my hobbies, and have the most fun I could.

 The inspiration for the The Wilder Coast Magazine came from the blog of a good friend of mine: Her writing has been described as "bizarrely pleasant," and her content was perfect for the feature aricles.
The Wilder Coast Magazine - First Concept

The Wilder Coast Magazine - First Concept

A travel magazine project. Designed by Cassie Huck, most of the photography used is credited to Austin Huck (, and the article cal Read More
