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"May I Type?" 2020 - A 31 Day Logotype challenge.

"May I Type" 2020?
A 31 day logotype challenge.
Fresh off the back of the completion of my CALARTS Graphioc Design specialisation, I'm challenging myself to produce a daily logotype for the month of may.

The rules are simple:

* Create one logo a day for the 31 days of May.

* Each day's logo must be created using the day's prompt. 
Prompts are from the  Inktober 2019 challenge

* Spend no more than one hour designing each logo.

The idea is to get my chops up and my perfectionist tendancies down, by forcing myself to spend far less time than I usually would on each logo.

Good luck me!!!
The prompts are as follows:

1. Ring 
- Brief: An anonymous meetup service for spies / Government Agents.
- Keywords: Classy; Secret; Whisper 

2. Mindless
- Brief: A media streaming service that chosses what you consume, by offering you one piece of media at a time, which you can't skip. Classy
- Keywords: Casual; Fun; Calculated

3. Bait 
- Brief: A long existing, trusted fishing tackle shop. 
- Keywords: Old Schoolsy; Established; Simple.

- Brief: Fridge & Freezer Retailers
- Keywords: Cold; Trustworthy; Modern

5. Build
- Brief: A personal growth coach company.
- Keywords: Quiet; Strong; Free

6. Husky
- Brief: An extremely high fibre cereal producer.
- Keywords: Wholesome; Light; Dynamic

7. Enchanted
- Brief: A love potion business!
- Keywords: Mystical; Sultry; Secret

8. Frail
- Brief: A community support centre for the clinacally depressed and mentally ill
- Keywords: Compassionate; Supportive; Positive

9. Swing
- Brief: A baseball coaching company
- Keywords: Passion; Heritage; Success

10. Pattern
- Brief: A custom wallpaper design company
- Keywords: Elegant; Quality; Modern

11. Snow
- Brief: An adrenaline fueled snowboard team.
- Keywords: Edgy; Bright; Speed

12. Dragon
- Brief: An agressive investment company.
- Keywords: Professional; Powerful; Classic 

13. Ash
- Brief: A barbecue restaurant for heat lovers.
- Keywords: Hot; Exciting; Party 

14. Overgrown
- Brief: A landscaping company that specialises in fixing up neglected gardens.
- Keywords: Efficient; Caring; Energetic

15. Legend
- Brief: Barney Stinson
- Keywords: Smart; Self absorbed; Classic 

16. Wild
- Brief: This company runs safari game drives.
- Keywords: Adventure; Nature; Casual

17. Ornament
- Brief: Wedding decor specialists
- Keywords: Pure; Refined; Light

18. Misfit
- Brief: An alternative listening lounge
- Keywords: Experimental; Vibey; Arty
19. Sling
- Brief: A space tourism company.
- Keywords: Futuristic; Epic; Exlusive

20. Tread
- Brief: A small business that recycles car tyres by making rugged sandals out of them.
- Keywords: Tough; Recycled; DIY

21. Treasure
- Brief: An antiques dealer that helps you discover valuable items in your home.
- Keywords: Ornate; Hidden Elegant

22. Ghost
- Brief: A white hat, IT security company.
- Keywords: Stealthy; Digital; Professional

23. Ancient
- Brief: A company that offer Cryonics services.
- Keywords: immortality; futuristic; mythological

24. Dizzy
- Brief: A fun fair style, theme park.
- Keywords: Fun; Colourful; Motion

25. Tasty
-Brief: A company that manufactures edible shampoo for kids.
- Keywords: Juicy; Candy; Cartoon

26. Dark
- Brief: A torch manufacturer
- Keywords: Reliable; Night; Functional

27. Coat
- Brief: A company that offers home painting services.
- Keywords: Energetic; Personal; Professional.

28. Ride
- Brief: High-end Motorcycle Manufacturers.
- Keywords: Classy; Powerful; Legendary

29. Injured
- Brief: A company that provides sports medicine services for sports events.
- Keywords: Dynamic; Efficient; Professional

30. Catch
- Brief: A company that offers IT securitry software that seeks out sneaky malware by disguising itself as a file that is enticing to hackers.
- Keywords: Modern; Understated; Surveillance

31. Ripe
- Brief: A farmer's Market
- Keywords: Enticing; Colourful; Healthy

"May I Type?" 2020 - A 31 Day Logotype challenge.

"May I Type?" 2020 - A 31 Day Logotype challenge.

A 31 day logo design challenge, whereby I build logos out of the daily word prompt. The amount of time allocated to each design is only 1 hour, i Read More
