William Carver

Epirroi is Greek for "influence" 

Originally it was supposed to be a short story about this statue falling apart and coming back together, but then I thought, why not give it more purpose. 

Who better to put in this sequence than the artists who have influenced, supported and impacted my art over the years.
Cloth Simulations and Dynamic Bodies played a key part in the story
-Cloth Simulations with wind adjustments made procedural generated cloth folds
-Voronoi Fractures made the statue crumble 
         -Field Falloffs allowed to brake the statue in different areas 
Originally the setting was going to be dark and blue, but I found that white and gold spoke more towards what the render represented both thematically and historically. It also allowed me to branch out into a new color scheme.


Title Sequence recognizing the artists and teachers who have influenced and supported my art. A short story surrounding a Greek Statue.
