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Cadbury Bournvita Campaign

Cadbury Bournvita
Bournvita is a product of unique taste and it targets women and there growing kids. It has a nutrients value that is demand for every child. It makes one enjoy the milk with a taste . I chose this brand because I am foody and I love working on the taste of any product. So I chose this product to work upon and display through my work. Bournvita is a product of unique taste and it targets women and there growing kids. It has a nutrients value that is demand for every child. It makes one enjoy the milk with a taste . I chose this brand because I am foody and I love working on the taste of any product. So I chose this product to work upon and display through my work.
Name of the company: Cadbury India

Name of the brand: Cadbury Bournvita
Established in year: 1948
Tagline: “Tan ki shakti, man ki shakti”
USP: Chocolate beverage food drink
Segment : Chocolate based health drink for children
Target Group : Young growing children from the middle and upper class
Positioning : Chocolate health drink to make kids stronger and sharper
Product Survey

By this survey we collected the market data and people interest about this product :
1. Which gender love the most this product?
2. Age response.
3. What is your first reaction to the product?
4. How would you rate the quality of the product?
5. How would you rate the value for money of the product?
6.Which size type of packaging you like to buy?
 7.How innovative is the product?
8.Would you prefer "Bournvita" for your child?
9.Which type of brand do you prefer for both health and taste?
10. Rate your satisfaction.

Public review.

1. Small sachet pack should be available. It gets hard within 2-3 days after opening the pack. end up throwing it

2. Its Good ..not any suggestion. Children like this product.

3. Bournvita is a good product for children as it helps in their proper growth and development. It is also good in taste so a child can have it easily without any tantrums. Sometime children cannot take their proper diet by food or avoid to have healthy food like spinach, carrot, milk etc. At that time, it provides good quality of nutrients to them.

4. Try to bring out more chocolaty flavour.... else is good

5. Awesome

6. Cadbury should try to explore oats verity also try to explain the profit of the product to public practically

7. It's a good product

8. This is good product for children, they can pour in the milk and have it. Cadbury bournvita is good for health.

9. Gets moist & end up wasting more than half the jar

ALL the information gatheredduring this survey and after analysing it properly on come to only one conclusion that the liquid food drink indurtries has a great scope in future.

The recent campaign of Bournvita is based on the nutrients value imbibed in it Bournvita focuses on mothers and growing kids Bournvita ha a unique taste and values in it different kind of children need different nutrients values. Concept behind m campaign is to ensure that Bournvita is suitable for every child. The value its carry will serving tell as that sharing is caring. Where there is a need of sharing and discussing the unique teste is Bournvita.
1. Cricketer
2. Girl Dancer
3. study lover
4. karate king
5. Actor
6. Footballer
7. singer
8. Boy Dancer
Poster Design
Press Ad. Design
Extra Product Accessories
1. Packaging
2. Drinking cup
3. Book Cover design
5. Stickers
6. key chains
... Thank You ...
Cadbury Bournvita Campaign


Cadbury Bournvita Campaign

The recent campaign of Bournvita is based on the nutrients value imbibed in it Bournvita focuses on mothers and growing kids Bournvita ha a uniqu Read More
