Work from home. 
Peaceful, does it sound?
Workstation teleported 
In your room
On your study table.
Maybe your bed table!
That’s the dream, isn’t it?
No more small talks, 
Zoning out in corridors.  
Coffee breaks in bed,
Home cooked lunch. 
All day long 
In those airplane pyjamas.
No more stuck in traffic
All morning, all night. 
Why that frown, Dabs? 
All over the place
Zoom, Teams
Pressure cooker whistling 
In the background
Mute Unmute Repeat
Skype? No Bluejeans! 
Work from home


Work from home

Work from home. Peaceful, does it sound? Workstation teleported In your room On your study table. Maybe your bed table! That’s the dream, Read More
