Tobi Frank's profile

The First Years

The First Years

The continuation of my project about the colonization of Webb-372995 (AB) 
"First we thought, the sensors just went haywire. But the property-relations allowed the conclusion, that the data was correct, so... aware of the possibility, it could be another anomaly, we pumped out the tank, and yeah... (pause), what should I say… we were right. Kuvo is taking samples right now and then we’ll hopefully find a solution for this.
Juro out."

– Log 213.6
„We noticed it at the little creek in area 24. John saw it on the radar and tried to call us, but the fog blocked the signal. Kuvo was a kilometer further west, so the best for him was to search shelter in 4. I started to run back to 2, where john waited. It was a close call… Maran out.“

– Log-231.5
„The scan showed some sort of cavity inside the cliff and after a few minutes we found a crack, which was wide enough to squeeze through.
Since we didn’t have the floodlights with us, we relied on our headlamps, while trying not to loose our orientation in this maze, what it definitely was. Underequipped and excited as we where, we lost contact to the rover and accidentally even split up for a few minutes. That was when I noticed a dim light beyond the next corner, so I went further and suddenly stood in the entrance of a big, light-flooded cave.“

– Log 223.3​​​​​​​
„Last second evening, out at station 8, we witnessed it again. It must be some kind of phenomenon of the upper atmosphere. We don´t know if its meteorological or astrological, or how it can be predicted. We only know, that it has something to do with the moon’s light and that it is amazingly beautiful. It looks like a mixture of earth’s rainbows and its aurorae. Azikiwe out.“

– Log 223.4
„We just looked into each other’s curious eyes.“

– Log 234.7
„New favourite fruit found.“

– Log 235.5
„The same dream again. I’m back on earth, standing barefoot on my bathroom floor, when i notice this huge, colorful moth, sitting beside me.
It looks like one from here. I watch it for a moment, till another one is flying past. It just takes seconds but at this point, I always wake up.
Stankowski's book says, moths can symbolize negative thoughts and emotions, that are suppressed or being denied from the dreamer. Humbug.“

– Log 221.2
„I think awe have it. Maran out.“

– Log 237.11
The First Years

The First Years


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