Whisky Project
This project required me to create a whisky label and is dedicated to celebrating 20 years of the Scottish Parliament. For this unit I visited the Scottish Parliament, took a tour and photographed things, areas and shapes that caught my attention. The brief for this unit required me to have 4 concepts thought up and demonstrated before picking one to submit as a final.

For this project, I wanted to create a Whisky that was modern and abstract. I wanted to keep my emphasis on shape and tried to keep my designs from getting too busy.  
These are some of the photos I took on my visit to the Scottish Parliament, including the images I have used in  my designs. 
Theses designs were created quickly using black acrylic paint and a roller. Each one took approximately 10 seconds. The idea behind them was about creating your own inspiration and being abstract. Basically just letting lose and having fun. I think its a simple way to create something when struggling for inspiration. I am especially happy that I manged to integrate them into this project.
Concept 1
Concept 2
Concept 3
Concept 4 
Whisky Project

Whisky Project
