Urban agriculture crops incubator 
Refurbish 2019
Designed by Minwoo Kim

Well-being lifestyle is an issue all around the world. Growing demand for eating healthy food is leading to urban agriculture. According to the research, the easiest and most accessible way of urban agriculture in South Korea is veranda farming, but veranda farming has some problems such as exposing plant roots by dropped water, lighting, harmful insects and controlling temperature and humidity. Those kinds of problem make the diffidulty of urban agriculture.

My team tried to solve these problems by creating an environment that can grow crops stably in the veranda. Green Grower can improve the increasing speed and quality of plants. It is not needed artificial things, so that able to healthy diet in your place. 

Thank you

Designed by Minwoo Kim

Green Grower

Green Grower

Well-being lifestyle is an issue all around the world. Growing demand for eating healthy food is leading to urban agriculture. According to the r Read More
