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Photographic Posters/Invisible Cities

Photographic Posters
Invisible Cities

The perception that people have about a city is diversified. That said, it is quite difficult to create a univocal definition of what a city really is. Therefore, one could say that there are as many “cities” as there are people living, observing or visiting it. In others words, there are many Invisible Cities in the world of ideas.

Oporto is no different in that regard and this project aims to explore those ideas inhabiting people’s minds the city. The best way to do so was to photograph city’s landscapes, buildings, objects, people with a focus on its textures. In the end, the images gathered had a rather graphic and abstract character. Then, considering that, they were cropped in a crude way leaving irregular edges in the photographic fragments and assembled like a in collage. Afterward, those fragments were arranged in a messy way in A3 sheets. The final Photographic Posters were neither figurative nor totally abstract, in fact, they were ambiguous and textured. That said, they must be regarded as rough samples of the essence of the ideas about the city, as samples of Invisible Cities.

Subsequently, the Posters were glued to random walls in the city streets and left there to be acknowledged by the people, destroyed, etc. The purpose of this was to go back to those walls and see if how the city had assimilated the Posters. Moreover, it was important to verify if there were any hints for other Invisible Cities.

In collaboration with Hugo Sá and Miguel Santos
Photographic Posters/Invisible Cities

Photographic Posters/Invisible Cities

Photographic Posters to illustrate the Invisible Cities hidden in Oporto
