Car accidents are a leading cause of death in many countries across the globe. Even more so in the City of Mumbai with the increasing amount of vehicular traffic on the road.
To raise awareness, The Transport Commissioner of Mumbai wanted to send out a message of road safety and the many ways one can keep safe while driving. He wanted to make the message an effective one.
While doing my research, I learnt that one of the most overlooked ways of keeping safe was not wearing your seatbelt. I decided to address this safety method while creating a public safety announcement.
I created a simple yet effective concept in the form of a direct mailer with a hard hitting message. The Transport Commissioner found the message very effective and put his personal touch on it by signing each one. In the weeks that followed, the direct mailer was well received compelling people to put on their seatbelts.
Thank you for watching and remember to wear your seat belt !!
Road Safety PSA

Road Safety PSA

Car accidents are a leading cause of death in many countries across the globe. Even more so in the City of Mumbai with the increasing amount of v Read More
