Will I ever have the privilege
to stand beside you?
With your final departure
I could answer my own question
I knew this departure
was irreversible
Like many things in life
will eventually have an irreversible moment
I could not accept
my own answer
I could not face
opening the door
To the cold winter breeze
when I felt an empty house
I could not face the rain falling 
when I cried for you
I could not face the fog
when I could not comprehend this departure
I could not face the sun’s
rays through my window
As if you were smiling
At me from the edge of my bed
Or the wind in my face with each walk
As if you were whispering in my ear
And each flower blooming in the Spring
as if you were still present to express your love
And with the unexpected leaves falling from the leaves
as if you were there to knock on my door every evening
Each season that goes by and each movement feel
is a reflection of your memory
Perhaps, if I keep my heart open
to these memories

I will realize that my capacity to sustain
and embrace these memories was your last gift
I will never be without you
because you have stood beside me all along
So, will I ever have the privilege
to stand beside you?
Will I...

Will I...


Creative Fields