In 2018, I started the record label Bumpy to design, manufacture, and distribute products for my musical project, Larry Wish, as well to do the same for select like-minded artists. Bumpy manufactures limited edition cassette runs of each album we release in addition to distributing across music streaming platforms like Spotify, Apple Music, & Google Play. Here you will find branding examples for Bumpy in the form of promotional images, ads, posters, and assets.
"First Three Releases" Promo, 2018
Ad for Instagram, Facebook, & Twitter, 2018
Digital poster for the Bumpy Launch Party in Minneapolis, MN, 2018
Digital poster for a Modal Zork show in Minneapolis, MN, 2018
Bumpy logo, 2018
Social media header, 2018
Instagram pre-order ad, 2018
Bumpy Branding

Bumpy Branding

Promotional materials, ads, & posters for the record label Bumpy, based in Minneapolis, MN.
