Logo Design

CHALLENGE : The project’s brief requirement was to design and develop a fresh new identity for an upcoming new branch of “Channel 7”, genre being the Wine Channel.

SOLUTION : Inspired by the shape of a wine glass, the logo intends to give a feeling of dynamism and enthusiasm to the wine lovers and also the look is contemporary as well as elegant to attract the audience so that they feel as if they are a part of it. Keeping the wine in mind the tint and shade of red has been used.
On Screen
The brand identity has a theme that is supposed to be followed, therefore, following are some screens that helps in understanding the visual interface of the channel. Screens of the upcoming series, information banners program scheduling and end credits has been displayed.
Identity Book Guidelines

Every corporate brand has a set of guidelines for their identity. Therefore, following book has been developed for the Channel 7’s identity to provide better comprehension. Details such as the typeface, colour, and clearance area are mentioned so that there is no misuse of the logo. By following the guidelines the channel can have a consistent visual and a strong impact on the viewers.
Wine Channel


Wine Channel

Brand Identity Design for a upcoming wine channel.


Creative Fields