Meet Motxu. He's not a natural-born adventurer, but ever since he found that big-ol' compass stuck on the reef at the bottom of the ocean when he was still just a baby larva, he's been carrying it around waiting for the moment he would need it.

Other creatures of the ocean made fun of him, not being able to understand why he would need such a strange and foreign artifact, and they would tease him calling him names and saying things like "are you axoLOST, or something?"

But he never left that old and rusty compass behind, and sure enough, one day everything changed unexpectedly, and the time came when he would need it in ways he had never imagined. It would be the key for the adventure of a lifetime.
Axolotl Adventurer

Axolotl Adventurer

Submission to the December 2019 edition of Character Design Challenge
