Email & Web Ad
My Project was based on an online athletic footwear brand named Eastbay. The message was to promote a 25% off promo code and the audience was athletes. The design style was taken from Eastbay's brand guidelines.         
Brand Guidelines
Critique Feedback
Self Grading
1. You design strategic marketing material (150/150 points)
2. Demonstrate proficient use of design software, tools & technology (30/30 points)
3. You implement creative solutions from concept through completion using a formal process (20/20 points)
4. You apply effective legal and ethical business practices and project management skills (20/20 points)
5. You communicate artwork rationale in formal and informal settings (30/30 points)
Project Reflection
1. I learned a lot about how to use brand guidelines to make my own creative projects.
2. I am most proud of how my Web ad and email ab turned out very professional.
3. I still need improvement with my creative vision of how my projects will turn out. 
Web ad Email blast

Web ad Email blast
