Illustration for "Juarawan" Pop-up book Project.
A project to meet the thesis-making requirements for Mrs. Nurike Syafitri
Illustration by: Wahyu Romansha
Paper engineering by: Shinta Fatmaningtias

This book is tematic book that contain history lesson and science lesson for elemntary school
Purnawarman - Tarumanegara
Purnawarman or Purnavarman was the 3rd king of Tarumanegara, a Hindu Indianized Kingdom in 5th century (395 - 434 AD). In 397 AD he built a new capital of kingdom nearer to the beach and called Sundapura, and this is the origin of an Indonesian ethnic: Sunda ethnic.

Balaputradewa - Sriwijaya
Balaputradewa was the maharaja of Sriwijaya or Srivijaya in the 9th century. He was the family of Sailendra dynasty. Sailendra is the name of kingdom dynasty in Sriwijaya. In the Balaputradewa's reign, Sriwijaya experienced the peak of its glory days, and become the strongest maritime kingdom in South-East Asia.

Gajah Mada - Majapahit
Gajah Mada was a great leader and mahapatih or (equal to) prime minister of Majapahit, a Indianized Hindu empire. Gajah Mada is famous with his oath called Sumpah Palapa, in which he vowed to live in ascetic (by not consuming food containing spices) until he had conquered all of the Southeast Asian Archipelago of Nusantara for Majapahit. And finally he bring Majapahit to its peak of glory and united all Nusantara (Indonesia)

Trunojoyo - Madura
Trunojoyo was the son of Raden Demang Maluyo, young brothers of Cakraningrat II, grandchild of Cakraningrat I, king of Madura. Trunojoyo was a Madura nobleman who have done a rebellion againts Amangkurat I and Amangkurat II's reign from Mataram. Then Mataram made a alliance with VOC (Vereenigde Oostindische Compagnie; The Dutch East Indian Company) to fight Trunojoyo. Trunojoyo after hsi victory, built his own reign and have himself titled Panembahan Maduretno.

Another Illustration:



A Pop Up and Scrapbook Book Project
