Aphrodisiacs anybody?
A gentleman likes to be in the know.
Born a gentleman. Need a suit.
There's no escaping it. You might not wear one to work, unless you happen to live in sub-zero conditions. But you certainly need one hanging in your wardrobe at all times. A formal occasion worthy of a suit might come along just when you're planning your holiday to Hawaii.
Any colour is fine. As long as it's blue.
No matter how many suits are hanging in your wardrobe, you'll invariably have a soft corner for one. And if that happens to be your navy blue suit, let's say, the meeting or presentations will be something of a smooth sail. No colour makes you remotely as self-confident as a navy blue.
Having said that, we understand your need for a second, third or a seventeenth suit, beyond the blues. Even if it's from the duller side of the palette. Louis Philippe has an array of conventional hues including charcoal, shades of gray, coffee brown and darker browns, to name a few.
For some inexplicable reason, the darker colours are considered more formal than the lighter ones. If you make the cardinal error of wearing a lighter shade at a meeting with someone important, try and make up with an extra dash of confidence - although an act of such kind isn't expected from a thoroughbred gentleman.
Black is taboo. Textured black, great.
At this point, it would be prudent to mention that black is a clear 'no'. After all, you're not on your way to receive an Oscar for your documentary on global warming. It's just a mundane meeting, even if it's with the super boss who's travelled half way down the globe to meet you.
Solid blacks, however, are perfect if textured or striped. The other good thing about black is a well-known fact. It makes even large-sized figures look respectably lean; and the most average looking one of us presentable enough for a local
TV chat show.
Stripes. Tread the thin line carefully.
The classic stripes are back. Pin stripes and chalk stripes in various proportions. The good news is, Louis Philippe's new age designers have made the conservative businessman attire a little less uptight, with sharper pin stripes. So you can look fashionable and 'right' at the same time.
In fact, as the cliche goes, this is really just the tip of the iceberg. Walk into a Louis Philippe Exclusive Showroom and you'll quickly shed your age-old notions about formal suits.
An ode to the man who loves you, no matter what.
Everyday headlines made to work hard.
Celebration time for the Malayalis in The Gulf.
They live in the same world. And are yet two worlds apart.
Steps to becoming the perfect lady.
The day is not far.
The sorry plight of our rivers.
The shades read:
Yamunotri    Madheso    Barkot   Lakhwar    Kala Pathar    Bhagriwala    Yamuna Nagar    Bidauli    Panipat    Baghpat    Delhi
No regressive love this.
Man's best friend not for nothing.
As the cliche goes, good things come to those who wait.
This ain't no fairytale.
Every love story has a twist.
He was none of these when we first met. After all, we were very young. We would spend endless hours - running, playing, climbing trees, just being with each other. So much so that, we would be found in some corner of the house, sleeping in each other's arms.
How time flies. They sent me off to boarding school. We got engrossed in our lives. And forgot about each other. Till it was holiday time. Everyone was going home to their loved ones. I couldn't wait to see him again.
He had come to the station. But, I didn't recognise him. After all, I wasn't expecting a tall, dark, gorgeous hunk. His deep-set eyes, however, spotted me immediately.
The sight of the handsome figure running towards me was overwhelming. I looked straight into the eyes of my prince charming.
And before I knew it, his paws were on my shoulders, and his tongue making me wetter by the second.
Super, my beautiful dog."
I can still remember the day I got trapped in them. I've yet to find my way out.
I had gone to meet her sister. My friends told me so much about her that I could not wait to get a glimpse. In all anticipation, I opened the gate and stepped in.
The attack came instantly. I felt their gaze upon me. My nuck swung towards the farthest corner of the garden, and our eyes met.
I was looking into a pair of deep-set diamonds that housed the ocean in them. Their glance pierced through my body. And washed my soul with want.
I found myself walking towards her. It was a fatal attraction of sorts. In a few moments, I'd be ready to die for her.
Something happened then. Something that I haven't quite managed to understand in all these years.
She got up from her corner, slowly walked towards me... and wagged her tail.
Ruby, my beautiful dog."

From the moment my eyes got entangled in them, I could look no further. My heart was all knotted up, and my breath taken.
Those cinnamon locks, I am sure, were bewitched. For they mesmerised and rendered me, a completely rational onlloker, quite incapable of uttering another intelligible word.
My restless fingers yearned to run through the waves of silken ringlets. And my face couldn't wait to brush against their soft dreaminess.
They hid her face, like the solitary cloud hid the moon on a starless night. And I was urged to move them so that they wouldn't play hide and seek with her hazel brown eyes.
But I wasn't sure whether the action would offend her, or get her to lick me. (The rest, as they say, is history.)
Shana, my beautiful dog."
There's music in the mundane too.
What's so scientific about looking sexy?
A machine that just lets you be.
Don't let them lose their dignity with age.


Single Ads and campaigns that show how I write, how I think, how I direct.
