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Editorial Cartoon - "Remember, quality counts"

"Representation and quality are not mutually exclusive. It is absolutely acceptable to have your own opinions on a film’s merit and also be able to appreciate its diversity, representation and message. Film has been an integral piece of pop culture since the early 1900s, and the beauty of film is its ability to produce conversation. Taking away people’s freedom to form their own opinions by shaming them is the antithesis to the purpose of representation; the impact a film has on people and the dialogue that a film provokes is, arguably, just as important as the film itself." 
- Sarah Aie, Copy Editor-in-Chief 2018-19

You can read the full article, "Remember, quality counts," here.
Editorial Cartoon - "Remember, quality counts"

Editorial Cartoon - "Remember, quality counts"

Editorial cartoon about the fine lines between critiquing a film based on its quality in the context of race and ethnicity.
