Testimonial Ads
When it comes to developing new campaigns for a client, there are always problems throughout the entire process that has to be solved. For the Women Employed organization, there was a need to bring awareness to young single mothers and for them to become a part of the organization to fight for equity. Throughout the stages of the project, iterations had to be done and research to help decide the right solution for the design. Using excellent research and critical thinking skills is what helped come to the completion of the design solution.

Developing a fictional character from the research that was conducted helped with connecting the common traits that will be of use for the continuation of the design.
Sometimes there will need to be another persona to nail the target audience, and having two personas that have faced many obstacles in life but still have a similar goal makes it essential to the design.
 After creating the two personas, it helped lead to three testimonial ads for the Women Employed campaign. Each testimonial ad is somewhat different because every ad is not going to speak to everyone, but each of them still speaks the same message.
With testimonial ads having such an impeccable impact, it stands at a higher level than its competitors. The ads help speak to every young mother and tell them to get their education to obtain the skills they need for the jobs they want.
Testimonial Ads

Testimonial Ads
