The Flat Patch aims to educate and promote environmental consciousness, in an achievable way for young students or people who have just left home and are living in smaller spaces such as apartments, flats or share houses. Everyone hates how we are impacting the planet and no one wants to spend money on unnecessary things. The Flat Patch is a way of tackling packaging, food and monetary waste associated with shopping at the supermarket. Growing veggies and herbs at home reduces the amount of money spent at the supermarket, minimises the need to buy them in a packaged form, and lessens the left over amounts that wilt in the bottom of the fridge, as you only pick to eat.

The logo is representative of the multiple stories of an apartment or flat through the way the words are stacked upon one another, whilst the flattened dash reflects the physical patch that would be grown form a flat balcony.
The Flat Patch gardening kit contains a grow guide detailing everything to grow a successful veggie patch from the kit and how to expand it from there. A biodegradable thank you note with flower seeds embedded in it is added as a little thank you for supporting sustainable practices. The A3 2020 calendar details when to fertilise and water your patch with extra tips included on how to grow other veggies from supermarket scraps.
All materials included within The Flat Patch kit were carefully considered design choices and fall into 3 categories. Recyclable, 
re-purposeful or biodegradable. For the box, I chose a company that would make The Flat Patch kit from a sustainable wood, premium dressed all round pine thats made in Australia. This means the box is durable and can be re purposed for other storage needs after its used for its initial purpose. The glass used for the fertiliser, repellent and watering vessel are all made from amber glass which protects the contents of the bottles from light, whilst also meaning they can be refilled, reused or re-purposed too.
The Handmade paper implemented for the seedling cards is made from paper waste and is biodegradable. The paper used for print work such as the publications and tags within the kit are all printed onto recycled paper, which can be recycled again. The reusable linen bag within the kit also has many other uses, after the soil it carries has been utilised.
The Flat Patch

The Flat Patch

A small space gardening kit for young adults, aimed towards educating and taking action towards reducing waste associated with food consumption a Read More
