Font Poster
Poster Mockup from Mike Delsing
We were assigned to make a poster as if it were for an advertisement for The purpose of the assignment was to choose a font and showcase different looks of the font's family in an effort to sell the font to other designers.

I wanted to show the font in the various common sizes. I also wanted to show how Bembo looked with the different styles of its family.

I really enjoyed making the hand sketches and the digital sketches for this project. After initially choosing Bembo as the font to advertise, I wondered if I made a mistake choosing an older typeface and not something more modern. As I worked more on this project, I learned that I really am pleased with the look of this font; hence why I chose it to begin with, and it didn't matter if it were an older typeface. Like it said in the description on the poster, this font truly has "transcended time."
The Process
As I mentioned above, I really enjoyed making the sketches for this project. It was hard to decide which three to choose for my preliminary compositions. Bembo really is a great typeface and one a person could have a lot of fun with. It is also so versatile that it can also be used for serious messages or in formal settings.

I started the project with hand sketches. Then I translated those sketches into digital form. It was difficult as the scaling on the thumbnail like I envisioned didn't translate over to the digital sketch quite as easily as I hoped. For the hand sketch, I was thinking too small. After I began the digital sketches, I started thinking bigger to accommodate the size of the actually project.

All in all, it was a great project and one that I truly enjoyed. I would love to work on a project like this again in the future.
Font Poster

Font Poster
