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100 Hot Dogs Infographic

Infographic Project: Different ways

The goal of this project was to pick a tangible object and create an infographic illustrating the many different ways that object is relevant to the number one hundred. I Specifically chose hot dogs for this project out of humor. I chose a vector graphic style for this infographic because my goal was to make it look fun.

Most of ideas for the illustrations of the facts and charts for this project instantly lighted up. However, the layout originally was not as creative; it divided each fact and chart with different colored background, separated by sausages. The revision was fluid and the idea of inputting the vectors on a hot dog was sold, using mustard to direct the reader to each fact by each turn and edge.

Consistency with type, colors, and spacing was a challenge in this project. However, it was a lot of fun. My favorite part is watching the mustard move smoothly side to side when scrolling up and down the document. 
100 Hot Dogs Infographic

100 Hot Dogs Infographic

The goal is to pick on object and create an infographic that illustrates the different ways that object is relevant to the number one hundred.
