Jimi Hendrix Greatest Hits

This project was the final one of the second year at University. The goal was to create the deluxe edition of a CD that already existed, doing a book with the lyrics, special crafted papers and the CD or CD's that were in the original release. The final book of the album should be printed as a "Demo" version of what would the final deluxe edition look like. The artist selection was totally at our hands, with the possibility of choosing whoever we like.

In my chase, I chose one of the most iconic musicians of the last century, Jimi Hendrix. Despite of the fact that he is not so popular in the common trends of today's music preferences, he is still one of the most iconic and influential characters of all the hippie movement, and he is considered on the fathers or rock as we know it today. At a personal level, he is one of my most beloved artists since I had my first Ipod. Jimi Hendrix has been one of my most inspirational musicians and It was a no-brainer not to do this special edition of his greatest hits.

For the covers I created and illustration that I thought suited Jimi best. And with the topics of psychedelic effects, bright colours and strange landscapes I develop the rest of the project. The album had 2 CD's, one of releases when he was alive and one of releases post-mortem. I personally selected the songs, as I asked the teacher If I could change the rule of the album being one that already existed. The album book was with an orangish red tone in the releases when he was alive and with a sky blue tone in the post-mortem releases. The lyrics were all included, as the length of the songs and the release year; moreover, at the start of each part of the album I added a Jimi Hendrix iconic one-liner. The background in all the pages was a pattern based on images of the outer space, in line with the rest of the project. 

The album didn't follow the traditional book structure: Each CD started at one of the covers of the book, in the front cover was the CD with the alive releases and in the back cover was the CD with the post mortem releases. Both of them ended with a photo of Jimi Hendrix in the middle of the book, what is more, I added an extra illustration with a special crafted paper which was removable for the customer to hang wherever he pleased.

Of this project in particular I feel specially proud of. Collecting music and listen to it is one of my most older hobbies, and It's always a pleasure working on something related to it, and the fact that I was able to choose the artist was the icing on the cake. 
