Tom Willimett's profile

'Shaketember' Prompts Illustration Pieces

'Shaketember' Prompts Illustration Project
There is an illustration fair event in Bristol known as 'shakebristol', who also run an Instagram page by the same name, to promote their different events and any up and coming artist. Every year, either during September or October, they run a drawing challenge in which every day there is a different art prompt, and participating artists create an illustration in their own style in relation to that prompt. I decided to take part in this years challenge, and set myself the goal of reaching the very end of the prompt list without missing a single day, in which I managed to achieve.
Here are the many different drawings I produced for this challenge:
Day 28: 'Dogs'
Day 17: 'Dungeons'
Day 3: 'Ice Cold'
Day 7: 'Rain'
'Shaketember' Prompts Illustration Pieces

'Shaketember' Prompts Illustration Pieces
