Seeker's Club was my graduate project for my fourth year of studies at Emily Carr University. As someone who's passionate about nature and environmental stewardship, I really wanted to create an engaging, visually interesting and educational resource for young people. Seeker's Club is a foraging educational publication and workbook for young people and their families. 'Nature deficit disorder,' is a very real phenomena in our present technology-infatuated society. Young people are most at risk, with technological devices making an even earlier appearance in their lives than our upbringings. Camping and spending time in nature has been traded in for constant attention to cellphones, iPads and television. Nature is all around and is often overlooked in favour of being plugged in at all times. 

The goal of this project was to foster natural stewardship and curiousity for the natural environment in hopes of raising more environmentally concious and respectful citizens. The key: start them young and keep their curiousity growing. The project deliverables consisted of a 78-page 5" x 7" publication/workbook. Included in the publication were an array of foraging trading cards. The cards were to be shared and would also be stocked in local 'Little Free Libraries' around the city. These cards could be traded and used to discover new wild edibles in kid's neighbourhoods. I also designed postcards cards to create awareness of the brand. These postcards included quotes and were targeted at parents, to stimulate interest in exploring the brand. A custom embroidered Seeker's Club canvas tote was also designed to house the items. This project was a great exploration of illustration, photography, copywriting, publication design, embroidery and creative direction.

This project is very near and dear to my heart and I hope to publish and execute it further some day. I've already purchased the domain and will continue to develop it, including a website that users could use to track their found cards and explored neighbourhoods.

Below is a sneak-peek at a selection of spreads from the publication.
Seeker's Club


Seeker's Club

My graduate project for Emily Carr University
