Elena Seaton's profile

Studio Allegro Identity

Studio Branding
Intended goal was to understand brand identity design while creating a cohesive experience for specific audience. 

Studio Research / Research on existing design studios, consultancies, and firms was completed in order to get a feel for how studios branded themselves to potential clients. From the 50 design studios / consultancies looked at, the most influential in this process were: Happycentro / We Are Mucho / Hey Studio / Anagrama / Break Maiden / Carpenter Collective 
Studio Naming / Based on research, collected text, and design references, 15 studio name candidates were created. Top Four: Neoteric.co / Studio Quire / Studio Matiz / Studio Allegro. Top Two: Neoteric.co / Studio Allegro.
Chosen: Studio Allegro.
Studio Allegro

Studio Concept / Target Audience + Intention 
On a consumer level the target audience consists of young adults who are looking for design solutions that are vibrant with cheerful energy while also maintaining a system that provides structure and sophistication.
Logo Ideation 01
Logo Ideation 02
Logo Iteration 01
... More Ideation 02
Final Logo / ​​​​​​​The final version of the Studio Allegro logo was a combination of a couple ideas. Originally I was interested in the concepts around structure as it relates to "clean" design reliant on grids and rules, but also how the societal norm for adults holds an expected level of organization in all aspects of life. On the other hand I was also quite intrigued by how the notion of structure could be challenged and complimented by playful elements. This is where the Lego-like blocks came into play, I had wanted a object that was a simple toy but held the power of nostalgia. Toy blocks by nature play into this narrative nicely because the idea of successful structure still applies while also emphasizing the need for balance and coordination. 
Brand Guidelines / Clear Space
Color Palette / While creating this identity I was also searching for ways to make it flexible. I found out through the color process that a solution could be found in the structure of the logo rather than through color.

The color palette was originally a four color combination that was intended to bring to the playful element to the structured logo. But when applied it felt too childish, almost looking as if the target audience was ages 3-5. So the second color palette was applied and it turned out to be exactly was I was looking for from the beginning.
Final Color Palette
Studio Allegro Identity