Courtney Gibson's profile

A Study in Crooked Bayou

When I was a child, a better part of my years was spent exploring the bayou that snakes around my town. There, my imagination went wild. The tall trees were looming figures standing idle, waiting to be saved by the hero. The green algae was a carpet laid out for the Bayou Queen and the sun, was the clock in the sky, ticking away slowly towards the horizon. Its rays peeked through the trees like a spotlight on me saying it’s time to make the journey back home. 

With these illustrations, I decided to explore different brush sets, as well as, slightly different art styles. I like the the first composition (none are named yet) and the third one, I do not mind as much. Do you like one art style over the other? 
A Study in Crooked Bayou

A Study in Crooked Bayou

When I was a child, a better part of my years was spent exploring the bayou that snakes around my town. There, my imagination went wild. The tall Read More
