Tricking - featuring Alex Omidvar

This is a personal project on the art, skill and power of Tricking. This is not a main stream sport and has origins from martial arts, gymnastics and break dance. Tricking is all about imagination and body control. They put sequences of spins, kicks, flicks and tumbles together that defy all things any normal person can dream of. This is a seriously fast and energetic sport that has me hooked.

I set out to try and visually capture the essence of what makes up tricking in a stills project which I found out pretty quickly is a tough challenge. Photo equipment has never been so good at capturing face paced sports but even what we had at our disposal was pushed to the limits. Alex is a supreme talent in the Tricking community and competes worldwide at events. He has a successful YouTube channel and clothing line but Tricking still needs to garner more attention. 

I'm totally captivated by this sport visually. It's definitely something beyond my physical capabilities but that's just part of my fascination. I admire people who push themselves beyond what seems to be humanly possible but still somehow make it all seem normal. 

Photography and director: Andrew Whitton
DOP and camera operator: Jacob Lewis
Grip: Rob Parker @ Assist London



A photographic and film study on the sport of Tricking
