Joe Sakata's profile


Turning Something Special” back into “The Usual”.
An Impressive Meal can be Experienced.


Enjoy Quality Time with Your Loved Ones around the Same Table.


The act of Eating can be symbolic in different ways depending on the individual. Some people may view it as a way to consume nutrients, spend time with family, communicate, experience enjoyment, be happy and enjoy it as an art form. However, there are circumstances such as aging, becoming ill or having a disability, where the act of having a meal itself becomes difficult.

ヒトにとって「食べる」という行為は様々な意味を持ちます。栄養摂取や家族団欒、コミュニケーション、楽しみ、喜び、感動、アート… しかし、加齢や病気、障がいにより食事をすることそのものが難しくなることがあります。

In recent years, Japan has made unique progress in developing food that has been created to assist swallowing even when compared with the rest of the world. The food developed has an appealing appearance while still being made of very small food particles, and this progress may be a result of the special connection that Japanese people have with food.


These are meals that all people with and without dysphagia (swallowing difficulty) want to eat and find delicious. They are on the border of what has been separated into “regular food” and “food for people with dysphagia” up until now. Borderless Food offers meals that have made the border as vague as possible.

嚥下障害を持っているヒトも持っていないヒトも、誰もが「食べたい」「美味しい」と感じる食事。これまで常食と嚥下食とに区別されていた食形態の境界線。その境界線を極限まで曖昧にした食事が Borderless Food です。

Every person has the desire to eat something delicious, and Borderless Food makes this come true, so they put smiles on many people's faces.

Borderless Foodは、全てのヒトの「美味しいものを食べたい」という願いを叶え、多くの笑顔を創り出します。

Note: Borderless Food is a new general term to define the new style of food, and this has been created using the techniques and cultures that have been cultivated through Japanese and French cuisine. The food offered by Borderless Food has been developed by medical professionals and chefs, so nutritional and medical aspects have also been considered.

※ Borderless Food は、日本料理とフランス料理が培ってきた技法と文化・感性で彩りされた全く新しい食形態の総称です。また、Borderless Food は科学的調整技術と医学的信頼性に基づき、医療従事者(歯科医師・看護師・薬剤師・管理栄養士・介護士)と料理人が共同で開発しています。



Every person has the desire to eat something delicious, and Borderless Food makes this come true, so they put smiles on many people’s faces.
