Three Decades of Taiwanese Rock Music

Three Decades of Taiwanese Rock Music
[Music Animation ] series No.5

An animation series about different music genres in Taiwan.


Client: Taiwan Beats
Script: Ricardo Hu
Director x Production: 朱詠任 Tino Chu
Storyboard: Tino Chu
Art: Dai Wei Hsu & Amos Chu
Styleframe Designer: Dai wei Hsu
Motion Design: 卡咚動態影像 Carton Motion
Music & Mix: Sonic Deadhorse
Project Manager: Zhe Shih CHOU (周哲適)
Producer: Brien John


Special thanks to:
大吉祥整合行銷工作室 / 董事長樂團
大象體操 Elephant Gym
落日飛車 Sunset Rollercoaster
StreetVoice 街聲 / The Next Big Thing
草東沒有派對 No Party For Cao Dong
EggPlantEgg 茄子蛋

Three Decades of Taiwanese Rock Music