7.6 billion people. Parallel lines.
7.6 billion elaborate minds.
Parallel lives.
Each of us lead very different lives, each with their own set of secrets. Lives which barely intersect.
In reality you never know who you are around. What they are thinking or what their intentions are.

The statistics dictate that you would be in the presence of 41 murderers in your entire life.
The predators in disguise are very hard to distinguish. These killers walk among us, quietly stalking their prey. Its funny how we would be more scared of an actual tiger in our midst than of the stranger on the tube. 
 Of all the animals, man is the only one that is cruel. He is the only one that inflicts pain for the pleasure of doing it.
However, no matter how hard they try to hide behind the human skin, a true tiger never looses its stripes. 

 “We serial killers are your sons, your husbands, we are everywhere. ” - Ted Bundy ( convicted serial killer )

My design includes a print I made of tiger stripes and the metal working of the faces. I used the colour blue because its non threatening, it is the colour of a predator in plain sight but you don’t really see it.  A facade that keeps us his disguise.