What if Lyft went to Paris?
What if Lyft decides to take their service to Europe, more specifically to Paris?

What better way to introduce the ride-sharing service tp the French public by merging the bold color of the Lyft logo with the re-design of one of France’s boldest cars ever?

This concept takes the Citroën eCV electric car re-design (Citroën eCV concept) and merges it with the Lyft color and housestyle.

Ideation, design, 3d modelling, rendering and presentation by Martin Hajek.
If you're interested in working with me - I am available for 3D concept creation & visualisation. Contact me via email at martinhajek [at] outlook [dot] com
Disclaimer: I am in no way affiliated with Lyft or Citroën.
Lyft and the Lyft logo are owned by Lyft Inc. Citroën and the Citroën logo are owned by Groupe PSA.
Lyft in Paris?

Lyft in Paris?

What if Lyft decides to enter the European market and more specifically, Paris? Concept study of what a Lyft-branded taxi inspired by the Citroën Read More
