Zeljka Kavran's profile

"hangman" clothes hanger

A two dimensional shape materialised, a reference to the game that we kept playing when we were kids, educational and fun to play. Line by line  and one gets «hanged». A coat stand that is light and simple in form yet functional. Minimalist, elegant , evoking the feeling of a childish nostalgia with an allure of a sculptural object. 
Represented in Salone Satellite, Milan  2012 and Ventura Lambrate,  Milan 2013
Design and design award 2012. 
In production 
Order, press&info contact:  zeljkakavran@gmail.com
"hangman" clothes hanger

"hangman" clothes hanger

A coat stand, a reference to a game we all played, simple and minimalist, nostalgic yet functional
