Tailor-made digital illustrations and infographics for the website https://karierenkosher.bg

Кариерен Кошер (Karieren Kosher) or Career Hive is a brain gain initiative of  the organisation Тук-Там (Tuk-Tam), the biggest organisation of Bulgarians with experience and education from abroad.
Career Hive ('Кариерен Кошер') is a career event whose main goal is to create a lasting connection between the talented Bulgarians from abroad and the progressively thinking companies in Bulgaria. The Career Hive is a platform for professional development, orientation and sharing between top employers and Bulgarians with experience and education abroad who want to find their endeavours in Bulgaria.
The Career Hive is a place that gathers people and ideas, generates collaboration and has a beneficial effect on the entire ecosystem.
Thank you for watching!

Curious to see more of my projects? 
Have a glimpse of my samurai frog:
— — — —
...or step into the Inktober time machine:
2019 — https://www.behance.net/gallery/102199629/Inktober-2019
Career Hive


Career Hive

Tailor-made digital illustrations for the website https://karierenkosher.bg Кариерен Кошер (Karieren Kosher) or Carrer Hive is a brain gain init Read More
