This project was given to us with very basic instruction - we as a team got to come up with the name of the company and set to work from there.

Setso - A passionate Sesotho word filled with the combined heritage of the Sesotho culture. It is always used in a respectful manner when referring to tradition and culture.
In Sesotho culture, just like many other South African cultures, cattle is a very important commodity.

Taking this into account we set to work on a cattle inspired logo.
After presenting the logo to client we got great feedback and set about refining the logo.
Some feedback included that this version looks to playful and not strong enough. I went about making different versions and exploring alternative options Using the 
For the colour palette we went for African/earthy tones.
Roll out
This project should not be taken as the final logo but a project that I had worked on during my time at abnormal marketing in 2016.



Logo design and roll out ofr a project done in 2016
