
Hoarse Perik is a micro-brewery run by two brothers Per and Erik, who are passionate about alternative country music and beer. The brewery is based in a small Swedish town called Nybro where brothers have been producing modern, interesting and ever changing beer since 2013. Hoarse Perik cares about the taste as much as it does about the environment, and this is why only locally grown ingredients are used when making the beer.

After multiple years of hard work and dedication, the brewery has become a locally successful business and their spectrum of beers are now selling out quickly. Product names have varied over the years, but since the brothers are now about to expand their business and start selling their beers in Systembolaget — chain of government-owned liquor stores all over Sweden —  they needed to unify the variety of products they have by employing the consistent visual identity.
beer packaging design

beer packaging design

Packaging design for beer bottles and 6 pack carriers made for local Swedish brewery called Hoarse Perik.
