As I move further along my journey of combining my art with technology, there was one project I took upon myself that is worth mentioning. As I have mentioned that I never stopped painting although my career was never in the fine arts field. My desire to push the narrative of my artwork never waivered. 
Ultimately, I chose to collaborate with my long-time friend Kerem to create a book that is connected digitally through customized soundtracks for every important piece of art that I have painted thus far. The book was called Mythologies: a body of work that has taken a lifetime in its creation. The work was driven by our journey of finding where is sit in the world, as I was born in Asia and raised in America, knowing that I will always be outside of the mainstream culture in which art and design have given me a way to understand and value my position. 
Kerem composed a custom piece to each of the paintings and even made a video to promote it on Kickstarter a platform I was very familiar with at the time as I had launched several successful campaigned for my tech fashion brand AvidUnion. 
Unfortunately, the book didn't get funded but I loved the process and still very much believe the possibility of this new format. 
These are my mythologies. 

They are my interpretations of where we came from and where we are going.

My stories are born in alignment with the basic human tradition of storytelling. Here, you will experience mythologies in totality as you engage with their components - each providing a sense and layer unique to the others.

My mediums are paint, words and music. They have been created over the past ten years from the collective souls and energies of the artists I have worked with.  Combined, these human stories stimulate and integrate through the essence of their muse and medium.  They are a part of the large tapestry of all experiences woven like a thread into its fabric.

The paintings are graphite and oil on canvas. Each story is represented in the painting. The soundtrack provides a series of original songs designed to capture, and exclaim through music, the totality of each mythology.

The mythologies within are parts of my journey, so far. They are personal and reflective. Feel free to make them yours.
Below is a sample of "Koi".
This painting was inspired by the lines and shapes of Japanese Koi watercolors, as well as the strong figurative forms of European masters. The story is based off his relationship to his Chinese surname.
The soundtrack that is paired is of Brazilian influence. With all three combined, welcome to Mythologies. 
Please play the music file and scroll down.
Koi - Oil on Wood

What's in a name? Mine sounds like a fish. As I have always pictured it swimming in between my thoughts, it reflects the light of memories and pushes the dreams along with its tail. Swimming through the silver waters of thoughts, I imagine myself fading in and out of the currents that spiral around its belly.
Feeling the refracted light as it touches my scales, I smile...

Water Horse - Oil on Wood

Jumping into the vastness of cobalt and indigo, a sense of fear and happiness surges through me. The stones feel strong underneath my feet while the air punches through my nose. Teasing me to move, challenging me to fly...

Orpheus - Oil on Paper

Holding light and grabbing at the aether. 
Speaking in tongues and gasping for air.
Its all within and all around you. 
Look too far ahead and you lose your place. 
Your place is here, where it's always been.

Breath - Oil on Paper

As I drew my morning breath, the air flinched. 
Following the stillness. Exhaling my thoughts.
I can see the people all just walking in one direction. 
Away from smoke. 
Where are you going? Where are we headed? 
The answers seem too far to reach.
I walk towards the smoke...

Prometheus I - Oil on Wood

Knowing doesn't answer the question. 
Pounding on the page trying to get the ideas out. 
Angry. Fearing. 
Keep my head down and go. 
I need to go and put it down. 
I don't know where it will end.
Scraping and digging at the canvas to find these images that I can't describe.

Prometheus II - Oil on Wood

As the dust settles, I let it pass over me like water over stone. 
It is not something easy to get used to. 
Taking one moment at a time. 
It's right now, it's right now I tell myself. 
As I close and see with my mind's eye, 
I see now and forever, are all the same.

Audrey & Amelyne - Oil on Wood

She sleeps for both of them now. Shoulders moving up and down I can almost hear our daughter laughing with us. Her eyes are closed, as if to dream
of what is to come. I can almost touch our newborn's hands. 
As I hold them, glowing in the warm amber sun, we live in life and dream.

Broome & Broadway - Oil on Wood

It's 2 in the morning and the sky is calm and clear. The streets feel more like my home than my actual apartment, and I like it this way. All I have in my rented room is a blowup mattress and a broken TV. Out here, the empty streets are filled with stories. As I turn the corner from Broome towards Broadway... 

Untitled - Oil on paper
Icarus - Oil on Paper
Untiteld - Oil on Paper
In Progress...
The Ansonia - Oil on Wood

As I sit here and wait for her, my mind often wanders off as I stare at the Ansonia. Looking at its soft curves tracing the wondrously strange perimeter
of this building, a buzz starts in my ears. At first, I am sure
it is nothing but on the fifth day, the buzz becomes a voice. 
"Now ask the real questions you have for me." 
The Ansonia challenges...

Mr. Bell - Oil on Wood

He's trapped in the tower playing his music over and over again. Until his fingers bled. Until his teeth hurt. "Why can't I stop?" He asked himself. "Is this a curse or a blessing the day we shook upon it?" Never did he think that going into this agreement would have turned out this way.

Lion Dance - Oil on Paper

Stretching his fingers and toes as if they are connected to their own power source.  With every new movement of his body, it feels like he is trying on new body parts. Finally, he tilts his head down to complete the transforamtion. Its the new year. He is ready. 

Untitled - Oil on Paper
A Son's Promise - Oil on Wood

As they gallop, the fierce wind rips through their manes and blasts across their skin. Hearing the roar of the hooves, I reach out my arms to ride the team
across the sky. As powerful as the waves in Waimea, yet we never break.
Just the continued sensation of rush, speed and light.

Shiva - Oil on Wood
The Woolworth - Oil on Wood

The day has finally arrived. The building has been standing patiently day after day, year after year, for the seal to open.  As the first morning sun falls on its eastern facade, its Gothic columns flexed and torqued. As it slowly emerges out of its former shell of concrete and steel, the morning commuters
who have walked the same path daily without even a second glance,
paused for the first time. Looking up, feeling its presence. 
Something was different...

Untitled - Oil on Paper


As I move further along my journey of combining my art with technology, there was one project I took upon myself that is worth mentioning. As I h Read More
