This is The #FeelGoodCompany 🔥
The #FeelGoodCompany is a platform that we have been building up for the last 3 years with TELUS International (the coolest call center in town) the challenge was: how to make it feel fresh and current?

Well...if we are talking about the newest generations (Z & M) it's probably all been done before...BUT never by us. So we took on this human instinct of daring, of seeing what is out there but giving it a personal spin to it, and we created TELUS International new motto:

When you say no, we hear a dare
We are the rulers of our squad
we don't do easy, we do gutsy
We get out there, get dirty, get sweaty, get messy
We are not made for normal, for paved roads or safe returns
We are geniuses, sometimes by mistake, others by daring to try
We are not perfect, we are real, and proud of it.
Test us, we'll show you.
Shade us, we dare you.
A new generation of awesome.
We are the new originals,
We are the #FeelGoodCompany
We created vertical and horizontal short videos that tell cool stories about the TELUS way of life and it's #FeelGood philosophy, all with a first person technique to immerse you in the shots and to give it a sense of freshness and spontaneity.

Client: TELUS International (El Salvador & Guatemala)
Sebas Bulanti \ Edwin Magarín \ Raquel Bonilla \ JJ Marroquín \ Alejandro Fuentes
Creative Direction \ Copy \ Design: Lucia Hernández
Executive Manager: Marcela Rodríguez
Agency: La Clínica\TBWA
Produced by: ICON 
Art Direction: ICON
The #FeelGoodCompany

The #FeelGoodCompany

How a call center can be the coolest place to work.
