Everyone's first response to having to update their resume . . . UGH!!!
Let's face it --- It's a painful process and we all hate doing it. 
And, typically, this is not an item on my services menu. However, I will take it on for a select few in my inner circle.
This was for my sister. An extremely accomplished (and published) hospital Pharmacy Manager whose resume was not speaking to her accomplishments or vast knowledge. Not to mention the stagnant text in Times New Roman (ugh -- wanted to cry when I saw the font)
We spent an entire Saturday just re-writing the content and then it was off to work for me making the presentation shine. -- Or as she told her husband "Chele's making me look like a Rock Star!" To which I gently reminded her, she was already a Rock Star, we were just showing everyone else how much of a Rock Star she is.
She is now fully geared and ready for a new adventure!

Resume Makeover


Resume Makeover

Resume makeover gives experienced pharmacy manager a personal brand that gets attention.
