Peter Stacey's profile

CCTV Options - Branding

We first started by compiling CCTV images - drawings to see if we could integrate them into a logo. We quickly stepped away from this as it would cause the company to effectively be restricted to an image of a camera which could be inaccurate, outdated in the near future.  

We then progressed our ideas into minimalist opportunities based on the initial letter of the company name, ‘C’. This can help the company establish a strong logo & brand base which has a longer shelf life.

When creating this logo we wanted to keep things simple and rememberable but not too cliche to the cctv industry. With smart technology on the rise we felt incorporating wifi rays or signal marks into a minimalistic ‘C’ symbol would work as a clean, professional and trusting corporate mark.   

CCTV Options - Branding

Project Made For

CCTV Options - Branding

A branding project for a bristol based CCTV company.
