7Eleven Next Gen
Client: TPN Retail
Role: Digital UX Lead, Visual Design & Art Direction

7-Eleven, the largest chain in convenience retail, looked to reposition and rejuvenate their stores in order to better capture the millennial and female demographics. 7-Eleven commissioned TPN Retail to execute a new store experience that would align with the wants of their ever-evolving customer base. 

My role as the UX lead was to work on the following aspects based on the brand guidelines & user research provided by the client:

- Digital Menu Board
- Kiosk Interaction 
- In-store & Exterior facing Signage Content
Digital Menu Board

- Incorporate calorie counts and food description into an easy-to-read Menu Board. 
- Make the Menu Board be modular and easy to update via Client's CMS (Scala Digital Signage System)
- Incorporate promos and animation within the Menu Board
- Ability to switch out Menus for different day-parts - Breakfast / Lunch / Dinner

Iterations of design
Kiosk Design

- Work within the design constraints of NCR kiosk CMS
- Incorporate the brand guidelines of 7Eleven NextGen
- Seamless user experience for the customer
Kiosk Design Solution
In-store & Exterior facing Signage Content

- Create modular templates that can be reused for multiple content promos
- Incorporate the brand guidelines of 7Eleven NextGen
- Create dynamic location specific content to add value to the customer's in-store user experience
One of the storyboards for content
Animated execution of the storyboard above
Templated Promo Samples
Brand Takeover Animation
Location-specific content
7Eleven Next Gen


7Eleven Next Gen
