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The Return of the Slumbook

The "Akala Mo Lang Wala Nang Slumbook Pero Meron, Meron, Meron!" Notebook/Slumbook
Bringing back those happy days of yore
Witty Will Save the World, Co.

Hardcover notebook


6 x 6 in
The little red book.
It all began with the idea of a notebook for bored people. I suggested the idea of a notebook-slumbook (or slam book, whatever) to my colleagues Chinggay Nuque and Antoinette Jadaone of Witty Will Save the World, Co. One part for regular notes, one part for silliness--basically, a dual-purpose notebook.

The idea seemed outlandish at first--and it still is probably outlandish now--but after a while, we agreed that it was time to bring back that childhood relic that was sorely missing from today's bookstores.
It was some sort of prehistoric social networking tool too, where you could check who your friends consider their friends (with the hope that you're included), get to know frenemies, and, more importantly, stalk crushes.
Niño Mark M. Sablan, on our childhood slumbooks
Dividers for The Slumbook (top) and The Notebook (bottom). Handwritten type based on the type treatment for, you guessed it, that mushy Nicholas Sparks-inspired film "The Notebook."
Slumbook questions were updated, made wittier and more vernacular. The cover, a simple one-color silkscreen print, is a marked departure from the previous generations colorful slumbook covers. Inside, handwritten type is combined with a clean sans serif. The overall effect is a more grown-up but nonetheless fun version of the slumbook. For the notebook part, pages were kept unlined and little surprises placed on random pages.
The owners' page. Note the instructions for doing the "quarter" fold, or that triangular fold with which we usually marked the passing of quarters in our elementary school notebooks. Also, a gray strip that you have to trim off--and since we're advocates of recycling, it has a suggested function: "pambalot ng bubble gum."
Personal Information
The Personal Information spread. Featuring the gender spectrum, the Romantic Status venn diagram, and an inquiry on your childhood dream. A more current palette (ie Pokpok Red, MMDA Pink, Saudi Gold) for your favorite color. Updated favorite food options. Shade in one of our suggested favorite mottos.
Mas Personal Information
Not personal enough? We delve even deeper! Describe yourself, describe your lover, your most embarrasing moment, your happiest moment. We demand the truth about your first kiss. Also, ample space for a very personal dedication--or if you're lazy, just check off one of the usual acronyms we use (ie I.T.A.L.Y., F.R.A.N.C.E., J.A.P.A.N.). Seal it with a thumbmark.
The Notebook
Fifty leaves of unlined notebook for your doodling/writing/scribbling needs. But if you're still bored, relearn the art of F.L.A.M.E.S. Remember the time when you used to ascertain you and your crush's compatibility by the number of vowels in your names? Remember those countless combinations you tried until you got the desired result? If you don't, we supplied some handy instructions to refresh your memory.
Remember that thing we did? That piece of paper which used to hold all the answers to life's most important questions? Everything was easier then, since we made up both the questions and the answers. Now, you can make 'em up again.
Pattern made up of the Witty Will Save the World, Co. logo, marking the division between The Slumbook and The Notebook.
And don't we just love it! This slumbook/slambook is a hilarious, "pang-asar" version for grown-ups who could use a de-stressing laugh-fest with friends over smokes and beer.
"Ang pinaka-kwela at pinaka-mapanghimasok na slumbook na aangkinin mo!" Brushwritten type was used to give a fun, casual feel to the book. On the spine: "Ito ang tinatawag na gilid ng THE Akala Mo Lang Wala Nang Slumbook Pero Meron, Meron, Meron! NOTEBOOK/SLUMBOOK"
The Akala Mo Lang Wala Nang Slumbook Pero Meron, Meron, Meron! Notebook/Slumbook is made by Witty Will Save the World, Co. It sold out in ten weeks, but a reprint is being mulled.

Read a Philippine Daily Inquirer feature on the Slumbook.
Visit Witty Will Save the World, Co. on Facebook.
The Return of the Slumbook

The Return of the Slumbook

The “Akala Mo Lang Wala Nang Slumbook Pero Meron, Meron, Meron!” Notebook/Slumbook: a hipper, wittier reincarnation of our childhood slumbook. Br Read More
