Brief: Design a campaign to promote Bacardi to 18-24 yr old males.
Bacardi wanted to promote their long history of production and craft so I have chosen the theme of being a gentleman because I thought it would give the campaign a vintage feel
that suggested it was both a sophisticated drink but also a traditional company with a rich heritage. I chose to promote this campaign with a fun character that would encourage you throughout to become a Bacardi Gentleman  
App: The Gentleman’s Choice
This is an app idea to promote Bacardi. This is the starter page that poses the
question of the whole campaign, “Are you a true Bacardi Gentleman” and a brief explanation of the apps purpose, which is to earn points and win gifts and exclusive offers.
I have used a vibrant green to give the illustrations a distinct style that links to the overall identity of the campaign. I have added the iconic gentleman features outlines that I have used throughout the project onto the characters to give it a surreal and humorous twist.

Gentleman's points
Intro pages to points system explaining how you can earn them for example scanning certain Bacardi Ads and Merchandise and also what prizes you can claim when you have enough points. Prizes include Gentlemanly treats such as a traditional straight razor shave as well as Bacardi products
Top Tips: app and booklet
The app will start with a series of Top Tips. At the end of the Tips, the user will be quized in a light hearted way that encourages Gentlemanly behaviour that relates to Bacardi’s Top Tips
App: Top Tips quiz
After viewing the Bacardi’s Top Tips, the user will answer a series of questions. The quiz is designed to be fun not challenging. You are awarded more points for picking the most Gentlemanly answers
App: Top Tips quiz results
The app will then give you a result of 1 of 3 responses. These results determine the amount of points you are given.
App: Top Tips quiz results
To make this process desirable, if you answered most questions correctly i.e the Gentleman's Choice, you are awarded 5 points which automatically wins you a free Bacardi drink. Once you have completed the Top Tips quiz you enter the main menu, where you can find out more about the campaign
App: Ways to earn points
This section tells the user more information on the ways points can be earned. Users will be encouraged to check back here as Bacardi will be frequently updating new ways, some for a limited time only.
App: The Gentleman’s Gallery
This section allows users to upload a photo of themselves wearing the Bacardi promotional moustache transfer tattoo. This section collects all of the photos uploaded by users and can be linked to facebook
to share and also suggest friend's ‘Tache pics’. The transfer tattoo would be given out free at bars and events and also free with Bacardi purchases.
Posters and Booklet
Here are some examples of how these illustrations would be used in the campaign. The campaign could use a series of 48 and 6 sheet posters. I have kept these simple and let the imagery dominate. I have also designed a Bacardi’s Top Tips to become a Gentleman pocket book. This could be given away as a promotional tool inside and outside bars or as a novel gift with a bacardi purchase.
Bacardi Gentleman

Bacardi Gentleman

Ba Hons University Project, YCN Brief: Bacardi Advertising Campaign
