Associations, foundations, public administrations and non-governmental organizations try to get their message across, sometimes with inconspicuous institutional campaigns or that are not usually characterized by taking prizes at publicity festivals. Keep in mind that the purpose is not to sell, but to inform, and that is why sometimes they are not very creative and original.
Perhaps one of the issues of public interest that are the most difficult to deal with are those related to human rights. Especially when using images that can be impressive for some audiences. But there is no place for censorship when the message of human rights needs to be direct and clear, that does not leave anyone’s doubts about what it is about.
This time I thought about portraying the violation of human rights in Venezuela, which for 20 years has been suffering with dictatorial governments, and that every day the crisis is getting worse and we need to raise awareness in the international community about this situation. So I wanted to take this opportunity to create a campaign which I can start using on social networks ...
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Public Service Advice

Public Service Advice

Public Service Advice
