Exploration & Research
LonelyLess Mobile
Initial Assessment
When users first sign up, they must take an assessment that determines their loneliness on the UCLA scale. This helps determine what approach should be taken.
Daily Journaling
Proven to help, upon app launch, users will be prompted to input their current mood with a text box to input more about their feelings or answer a prompt.
Distraction & Mindfulness
Based on research, behavioral activation is a key tool to use against loneliness. This means distracting and grounding the user with activities. 
Events & Personalization
Users can navigate to the events tab to see upcoming events on campus, with LonelyLess organized events marked with Dewey the program's mascot.
LonelyLess Commercial
LonelyLess Magazine
To offer a more tactile approach for behavioral activation, a publication was developed to offer relevant articles, cognitive behavioral therapy exercises, and fun activity suggestions.



Loneliness has become increasingly prominent in college students. LonelyLess is a project devoted towards assisting lonely college students find Read More
